Lab Master Plans Fy18 Ndaa
lab master plans fy18 ndaa

McGovern by record vote of 234-197, after agreeing to the previous question by record vote of 232-197, on Wednesday, July 10, 2019. 476: Agreed to by record vote of 234-197, after agreeing to the amendment offered by Mr. COMMITTEE ACTION: REPORTED BY A RECORD VOTE OF 8-4 on Tuesday, July 9, 2019.

Infrastructure to support research, development, test, and evaluation mis-sions. Master plan for implementation of authorities relating to science and technology reinvention laboratories. 1264 of the NDAA for FY18 include a list of foreign forces, groups, and individuals for which a determination has been made that force could legally be used under the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force, including the legal andSubtitle CPlans, Reports, and Other Matters Sec. Legislative Business Fifteen “One Minutes” Per SideGoal - Determine requirements for a comprehensive security strategy in light of NSHE and Federal Student Aid requirements for IT security plans by Feb 2018 8.8 - Implement data encryption solution Goal - Request for Proposal draft completed by Jun 2018 in anticipation of FY19 fundsSpanberger (D-VA) - Amendment No.361 - Requires the President's report under Sec.

Smith (WA) – Armed Services) The bill authorizes $733 billion for defense while cutting $17 billion in wasteful funding from the President’s topline request. 2500 – National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 (Rep. – 6:00 p.m.ANY ANTICIPATED MEMBER ABSENCES FOR VOTES TODAY SHOULD BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY TO THE OFFICE OF THE MAJORITY WHIP AT 6-3210.Floor Schedule and Procedure: Under a Rule (1 bill): Continue Consideration of H.R.

Lab Master Plans Fy18 Ndaa Full List Of

Remaining amendments to be considered: Sherman Amendment #20 Directs the Administration to issue a prohibition against Americans trading in new Russian sovereign debt, subject to review by the Administration and Congress following each national mid-term and presidential election. Members should be prepared to offer their amendments at the appropriate time. As of last night, the House has completed debate through En Bloc #4. Today, the House will resume consideration of amendments, beginning with Sherman Amendment #20. A full list of amendments can be found here. The Rule, which was adopted today, provides for no further general debate, makes in order 441 amendments, and allows for amendments to be offered en bloc. Click here for a summary of the Democratic priorities in the bill.

Lieu Amendment #24 Prohibits funds from being used to transfer any defense articles or services to Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates under the emergency authority of the Arms Export Control Act that circumvents congressional review. Gabbard Amendment #23 Prohibits funds from the Special Defense Acquisition Fund to aid Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates if such assistance could be used to conduct or continue hostilities in Yemen. Sherman Amendment #21 Prohibits funds from being used to transfer defense articles or services to Azerbaijan unless the President certifies to Congress that the articles or services do not threaten civil aviation.

Engel Amendment #31 Expresses that the U.S. Engel Amendment #29 Improves current law related to policies and planning to ensure civilian protection, including procedures for incidents involving civilian casualties. Cicilline Amendment #27 Repeals existing restrictions on the United States from transferring and exporting weapons, and defense articles and services to the Republic of Cyprus.

Prevents 10% of funds for the Secretary of Defense from being distributed until the study is submitted. Blumenauer Amendment #32 Requires an independent study on options to extend the life of the Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles and delaying the ground-based strategic deterrent program (GBSD). Also requires Presidential certification regarding future of the Treaty before its potential expiration. Requires DNI, SecState, and SecDef reports detailing the consequences of the Treaty’s lapse and impact on US nuclear modernization plan. Prohibits use of funds to withdraw from New START.

Aguilar Amendment #38 Requires a feasibility study on Department of Defense using two Federal Bureau of Investigation databases to screen potential enlistees for ties to white nationalist organizations. Jayapal Amendment #37 Requires the Defense Department to submit to Congress annual reports on employment or compensation of retired general or flag officers by foreign governments for emoluments clause purposes. Decreases the National Nuclear Security Administration Federal Salaries and Expenses authorization by $20 million. Langevin Amendment #35 Increases the Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation authorization by $20 million to conduct research and development on low-enriched uranium for naval reactors. Frankel Amendment #34 Prohibits funding for missiles noncompliant with the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty until the Secretary of Defense meets certain conditions.

Lieu Amendment #44 Prohibits funds from being obligated or expended at properties owned by the President or that bear his name (enumerated in the amendment). Decreases the Operation and Maintenance, Army, Admin & Servicewide Activities, Other Personnel Support authorization by $10 million. Ocasio-Cortez Amendment #43 Increases the Department of the Navy Environmental Restoration, Navy authorization by $10 million for the purchase, deployment and operation of closed detonation chambers on Vieques, Puerto Rico. Porter Amendment #40 Repeals the delay in the payday lending rule as it relates to servicemembers, veterans and surviving spouses.

Khanna Amendment #49 Reduces the Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) Operation & Maintenance account by $16.8 billion, to prevent a topline DoD spending increase from the FY19 level. Pappas Amendment Requires the EPA to revise the list of toxic pollutants under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to include per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and publish effluent and pretreatment standards. Torres Amendment #47 Directs the Office of Management and Budget to categorize public safety telecommunicators as a protective service occupation under the Standard Occupational Classification System. Huffman Amendment #46 Takes land into trust as part of the reservation of the Lytton Rancheria. Raskin Amendment Prohibits military parades and exhibitions for political purposes.

lab master plans fy18 ndaa

Foster Amendment #148 Amends the testing requirement for the Ground-based Midcourse Defense System to include the use of threat-representative countermeasures. Fortenberry Amendment #147 Provides a sense of Congress supporting the conditions for security of displaced Christians and other religious minorities in Northern Iraq and to enable their safe return home. Dingell Amendment #131 Prohibits the Defense Logistics Agency from using any food contact substances to assemble or package meals ready-to-eat (MRE) with PFAS chemicals beginning in FY2021.

Gaetz Amendment #153 Requires a report to Congress on contracts being forcibly terminated based on foreign governments' actions that impeded the ability of the contractor to perform their contract. Frankel Amendment #152 Requires the Director of National Intelligence to submit an intelligence assessment on the relationship between women and violent extremism and terrorism. Foxx Amendment Expresses the sense of Congress that 1) NATO is central to U.S.- European defense matters and 2) military cooperation in Europe by NATO member countries should complement NATO efforts and should not hinder military system interoperability and burden sharing among NATO allies. Foster Amendment #150 Requires an independent study on the impacts of missile defense development and deployment. The amendment also clarifies that JASON provides scientific and technical advice to multiple Federal agencies, including the Department of Defense.

Gallagher / Malinowski Amendment #155 Directs the President to submit to Congress a report on ZTE’s compliance with the settlement agreement it reached with the Department of Commerce on June 8, 2018. Dick Cole to the rank of colonel.

lab master plans fy18 ndaa